Friday, February 17, 2006

Kuwait, and Cultural Commentary (but no insight)

Another Valentine’s Day came and went while I was overseas, which is fine with me, as I find it nauseating. It is not celebrated much in Kuwait, so I was not forced to witness yet another nation adopt some useless piece of our culture (I’m talking to you, India).

Kuwait is pretty damn boring. It is bone dry. The ex-pats wet themselves (ha ha) at the UK or US embassy, or sneak booze in and party at home. Some of these affairs, I hear, get pretty elaborate, even having bands booked. So maybe it isn’t so dry. If you are non-Arab, I suppose it is slightly moist. I don't know anyone in this scene. So, I used this social pause to catch up on some laptop work, go to the gym, and watch Seinfeld DVDs. Oh, and to catch up on US news. Good ‘ole Dick Cheney. Gotta love that guy.

Our one school visit was to an Indian high school. It was a good event. Later in the evening we had the fair proper at the hotel. It had steady attendance, and I was happy to speak to many more native Kuwaitis this time around. I had one group of 4 girls who are now eager to all move to Southville and live together in a house off campus (I think this is seen as better than living in co-ed dorms). Sounds like the beginning of a WB or UPN sitcom to me. Kuwaitis Gone Wild! Whoooo!

Kuwait airport. Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha. Pitiful smokers.

I write this as I sit in the Kuwait airport, waiting for our flight to Bahrain, digesting my food. I love a good breakfast buffet. It sets me right for the rest of the day. I also think this is why I typically lose weight while travelling – I fill up in the morning, then cruise the rest of the day on small bites. I’ve discovered a great East/West breakfast combo: French toast dipped in hummus. Mmmm, mmmm, mmmm. I filled my mouth with this cultural harmony as I read about new protests due to the release of further Abu Graib photos, and further protests due to the cartoons. I wish I had some clever insight into this, or a way to relate it to the French toast and hummus, but I don't. Come up with your own allegory. Or read Thomas Friedman.

Yes, more towers under construction. This time in Bahrain. My hotel is in-between them.

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