Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Ponsonby Manor

Dad just made two observations:

1) I have not put up any pictures of where I am staying. This is remedied below.

This is Ponsonby Manor, a.k.a. the Red Monkey Manor (because the owners also have a backpacker place called the Red Monkey - we don't let those types in here). My room is top-left, sharing the balcony.

This is the view across the street from that balcony (notice the bus stop and neighboring cafe, eh).

This is the view out the back window towards the CBD. That's the Sky Tower. You can see it in the first pic as well.

2) The place has kind of an Old West vibe.

That it does, especially in some of the storefront architecture. More on that later as I plan to do a little research...


Laurie said...

Current weather? Would I be sitting on the balcony mornings, drinking my coffee?

Union Station said...

A bit cool for that in the mornings, but the weather is great. I sit in the sun room with the door open to the back porch, but not on the porch itself due to the breeze.

I just thought of a great way to describe the weather. I can recall many times, mid-spring or getting into summer, when it was warm and sunny but there was also a cool breeze, thinking, "I wish it would stay right here - this is perfect," but knowing we'd soon be in the dogs days. Well, here it does stop right there. There are no dog days.