Saturday, January 21, 2012

Christchurch Foibles

Though I am now in Auckland, and think that I would enjoy working here, I am also looking at positions elsewhere. One of these places is Christchurch. This is the largest city on the South Island, and the third-largest city in New Zealand. Starting in September of 2010, Chch (a convenient shortening) has been rocked by a series of earthquakes and aftershocks, major and minor. They continue presently. Just this January 2nd were 5.1 and 5.5 tremors. While this has been hell on the general economy, it has created lots of work for city planners and urban designers. So, it could be an interesting opportunity, but there are obvious drawbacks. See articles below:

"Visitors want to be moved"

"Southern men face woman-drought"

1 comment:

Laurie said...

....guess this means I need to be posting on mine as well???? I am thinking about it, while I catch up on washing, ironing, and mail....we'll see how well your tutoring "took".....