Monday, January 31, 2005


Now that departure is so close, I'm just ready to go!

This weekend I started laying out everything that I will be taking with me. I call this subconscious packing. I feel like with it all out there in plain view for a week, my inner mind will be stimulated and let me know if there is anything I am forgetting. I've already though of a few things...

I also went to Barnes & Noble and raided the travel section. I brought a yellow pad and took notes. After my last trip, I decided not to lug around any guidebooks. I may buy one later for Spain, but I will wait until I'm there. I was a good boy and put all the books back where they belong. I used to work at B&N, so I'm anal about that. And, I still know a lot of the people that work there.

Also at B&N, I looked around for a good book to take with me. I opted against buying anything new. I already have piles of unread books at home. I think I'll take Neal Stephenson's Cryptonomicon. I read his book Quicksilver on my last trip. Very thick, with dense writing. Kept me occupied for a good span of time. Then I passed it on to another rep.

I also started my ritualistic growing out of the facial hair. Last time I grew a little goatee-like thing (see Munich pic). First time I ever had facial hair, other than just being lazy and not shaving for awhile. While I didn't necessarily pass for native anywhere, it did help me from looking so obviously American. In Munich, people actually kept speaking to me in German. I have not decided what form it will take this go 'round, so I'm just letting it all grow right now.

Speaking of pictures, I'm a bit frustrated right now. After posting the two below, I have not been able to get my blog software to work. I'm not sure what is wrong. I'll have to ask Sammy, the blog god. See the links to the left, I just got those added.

UPDATE: As you can see, I got the pictures working.

1 comment:

M.S. Mac said...

I really dig the one pic of the guard sitting under the lean-to with the desert in the background......would be a good one to frame with a mat