Friday, February 17, 2006


My French/Arab intellectual/radical look.

This is the alternate personna I have been cultivating while recruiting in the MidEast. I think the glasses and facial hair work well here. Yeah, I certainly can't pass for native, but I definitely don't look so American. I'll probably go back to normal this afternoon. From here I fly to Goa, where I'm gonna get some sun.

Today is a "free" day - Friday is the weekend in the Gulf. However, I'm using it to catch up about 60 student emails and I'll be meeting with a student and her parents in the hotel lobby in a couple of hours. I also have expenses and other piddly details to keep track of. Much fun.

The fair last night was decent. I had meant to go out afterwards, but I was too damn tired. I fell asleep before my room service arrived, but of course I woke long enough to eat my burger. Then I was conked out again - for 10 hours.

I am really looking forward to Goa. I planned the trip out using my guidebook while on the plane yesterday (didn't take long).


Leslie said...

Jason + hotel room + camera + boredom =

Anonymous said...

hey jc-it's your "color outside the lines" friend from pc. i love the website-your pictures are great! looks like you are seeing tons of stuff.
will be in southville in march-will you be back from your trip? would love to catch up if you are there.

Zhanna said...

Love the look! It softens that amerikanskii image!

Anonymous said...

hello stranger.

mike247worldwide said...

Hey Slick,
Next time you apply for a Saudi Visa use that photo and declare yourself a Muslim. Then you can visit Mecca. However, Mecca (and everyplace else in the Sand Kingdom) are not on the UNESCO World Heritage list.